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Mommie Dearest film Wikipedia ~ Mommie Dearest is a 1981 American docudrama film It depicts the childhood of Christina Crawford and how she was abused as a little girl by her adoptive mother actress Joan Crawford Starring Faye Dunaway Mara Hobel
Mommie Dearest 1981 IMDb ~ Mommie Dearests grandest artistic achievement is through the impeccable art direction which truly makes the audience believe they are watching a film unfold in the 1940s and 1950s Its lasting legacy however is Faye Dunaways careerending performance which depending on your point of view is either jawdroppingly awful or
MOMMIE DEAREST Pinterest ~ Mommie Dearest Oh well this one is a major league Hollywood bitch not only the most cruel mother ever also a very efficient pepsi executive and fashion icon u gotta love this bitch gotta love this movie no ones horrible mom compares to this lady
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