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わんわん物語 Wikipedia ~ 『わんわん物語』(わんわんものがたり、原題:Lady and the Tramp)は、1955年 6月16日公開のディズニーによるアニメーション映画。 原題 Lady and the Tramp を直訳すると「お嬢様と風来坊」という意味である。

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Lady and the Tramp ~ Lady a pampered Cocker Spaniel loves living with Jim Dear and Darling Then one day the couple goes away on vacation and leaves the mean Aunt Sarah in charge When Lady becomes frightened and runs away Tramp the neighborhood mutt takes her under his paw

Lady and the Tramp Lady and the Tramp ~ 楽天Koboで「Lady and the Tramp Lady and the Tramp」(Disney Book Group)を読もう Join Lady on her adventures with Tramp a scruffy dog from the wrong side of the tracks in this classic story based on

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